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Castel Wars

Many individuals derive enjoyment from playing Castle Wars, a captivating and cost-free game.
To achieve the objective of this game, you must fulfill the prescribed responsibilities. In addition, you must safeguard yourself from the enemy who is present to pilfer all that you cherish. Are you willing to engage in a struggle until the very end to ensure that the person in question is not someone else? The game can be played in two separate styles, based on personal taste. In the initial phase of the game, you have the choice to engage in combat with your companions, while in the latter part of the game, you have the opportunity to collectively battle against your opponent. Both of these alternatives are accessible to you. Determine the map, the weather prediction, and the duration of gameplay. The victor of the game is determined by the individual who successfully eliminates the highest number of individuals throughout the game. To initiate an attack against an adversary, you must initially depress either the E or P button, and subsequently release that button. This will enable you to initiate the weapon. To overcome the opponent, who will be opposing you, it is necessary to collaborate in the second game mode. Although it is indeed true that you may have a cooperative relationship, it is crucial to bear in mind that you are never on the same level or have the same status. You must ensure your victory in the game, since the winner is determined by the elimination of thirty zombies. By employing the catapult, you can inflict fatal harm upon your enemies.
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